

boy and older lady doing boat pose from pilates, holding hands with their feet touching. In a hall with dark wood floors and on a green yoga mat.

I started teaching Pilates after a hysterectomy in my 40’s. I gave up years of teaching various types of aerobic and body conditioning activities to focus on the more intricate workings of the core. I feel in total admiration of the effect the core has on the rest of the body.

My classes are a fusion of classical Pilates postures and general core based exercises designed to improve your posture and performance in everyday life. I’ve even added Michael Mosley 3 minute core holding burst, for a touch of aerobic activity.

Pilates is very beneficial for most back problems as well as supporting your joints and increasing their flexabilty whilst bringing strength and tone to the whole muscular-skeletal system.

You will feel the difference in your core within a few weeks.


Lelant Village Hall


9.30 – 10.40am > Regular Pilates

11.00 – 12.00pm > Pilates for Beginners (or those who have lapsed!)

Carnhell Green Studio

My Carnhell Green Studio is an intimate setting with 8 spaces, meaning booking is essential.

I also stream these sessions over Zoom, so if there is no space to come in person, you are more than welcome to join us over the zoom link. Just contact me on kimnhopkins@gmail.com

Class times


6.15 – 7.15pm > Pilates


10.00 – 11.00am > Fitness Pilates

To book any classes please contact me regarding availability : 07751 552313 

lady in child's pose on a yoga mat in a studio with white-washed wooden floor
close-up image of lavender and homeopathic remedies spilled over a reflective table surface
young woman doing side plank position on a pink yoga, pilates mat
Standing buddha statue surrounded by bushes and trees with the sunshine shining on it's face.
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